Great teachers mold our kids forever! This teacher is a finalist for Regis and Kelly's Top Teacher Contest! Watch here for more details! He's in NYC this week!
Three Cheers for Mr. Hadfield:
Let us tell you about a teacher in St. Louis Missouri,
We think he’s the best, but we’ll let Regis and Kelly be the jury.
His name is Tom Hadfield, and he teaches third grade at Reed,
And this is why, as an educator, we all think he takes the lead...
He stands at the door each morning to greet his students with a smile,
And he writes them personal notes when they go the extra mile.
Each day he has students fill out a triage sheet, rating how they feel,
And then he has them back it up with reason, to ensure they keep it real.
If a child has special needs, Mr. Hadfield gives them tender loving care,
Believing everyone deserves an education that is equal and fair.
And if a child is struggling with a subject, he gives them extra attention,
Staying after school to tutor them until they improve their comprehension.
To assure that his students’ math facts get sharper and not spotty,
He gives them incentives to earn a “black belt,” just like in Karate.
But he’s careful not to let it turn into too much competition,
It’s just a way to master their facts in multiplication and addition.
He rents out a park at the beginning and end of each school year,
For a picnic with students and their parents, creating a family atmosphere.
Once a month, he hosts “brown bag lunches” for a student’s family member or friend,
To eat with them in the classroom, they are invited to attend.
During Writing Workshop, he makes story time fun,
By dressing up like a surgeon and dissecting each one.
Once, he set up pen pals for his students, which they thought was really cool,
Then he had a “Read-a-thon” to raise money to go meet them at their school!
If there is drama in his class, he gives up his planning time,
To assess the situation and help them “solve the crime.”
Mr. Hadfield’s website is creative, always updated and informative too,
It tells parents what to expect and what homework the kids need to do.
Outside of the classroom, Mr. Hadfield serves on several leadership teams,
Never missing a Professional Development class or staff meeting, so it seems.
He’s been known to hold fundraisers for his school or local charity,
And in his “spare time,” he likes to travel, ski and camp, which gives his life clarity.
Tom Hadfield has made an impact in our lives and communities all around,
Though we know no one is perfect, he’s the closest we have found!
If we could bottle him up and sprinkle him everywhere we would,
Then students all over could benefit from his teachings for good!
But alas, that’s not possible, so we’re sharing Mr. Hadfield with you instead,
And we hope our creative way of sending him in a bottle will help us get ahead.
So please, Regis and Kelly, for your “Top Teacher Contest,”
Choose Mr. Hadfield, ‘cause he’s better than all the rest!
Nominated by:
The parents and students in Mr. Hadfield’s third-grade class
Reed Elementary: St. Louis, MO
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