Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rip Van Winkle Effect

I have been struck often recently with the thought of the old story about Rip Van Winkle, the man who wakes up after sleeping for a number of years and sees how time has passed and the world has changed - it has become almost unrecognizable to him.

How we do business in the communications industry and many others has changed. It looks and feels different. We still seek to engage our stakeholders to influence their perceptions and behavior. However, we have added some new ways of doing it, and some old ways have gotten less important.

For in this world of constant change with technology washing over us in new ways daily, a king-sized recession, and rule changes about how we communicate with each other and get our information (among ALL age groups!), things are changing at lightning speed. Without a mental shift, openness to innovation and new ways of doing things, I sense that a number of people are going to wake up one day and reemerge only to find that the world has completely changed despite their best efforts to keep it the same...

Those who look for ways to reinvent, retool and reeducate will stay on top and those who do not may stare straight in the face of the Rip Van Winkle effect.
Happy holidays!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Resources for Non-Profits Interested in Leveraging Social Media

There is no question that the digital age is changing the opportunity for non-profits. Consider the following: According to University of Massachusetts and Dartmouth Center for Marketing Research:

  • 89% of charitable organizations are using some form of social media
  • 57% of these are blogging
  • 45% reported social media is very important to their fundraising strategy

In fact, non-profits are well-positioned to leverage these cost effective set of tools to build enthusiasm to spread viral awareness. Measurable fundraising results are less clear now, but using the principle that you need 4-5 touch points with a stakeholder to change their behavior, social media can be an effective part of an overall strategy.

Working with non-profits, I have assembled some resources for those looking to incorporate social media into their awareness and development efforts. Thanks to http://www.Techsoup.org for some of the leads:

Engaging “inactive” supporters online: http://blog.givezooks.com/?p=82
Case study by Beth Kanter: http://widgetfundraising.wikispaces.com//
Facebook Groups and Pages – Features, Benefits And Killer Tips: http://johnhaydon.com/2009/04/facebook-groups-pages-tips/
15 tips for fundraising on Twitter: http://www.diaryofareluctantblogger.com/2009/06/small-pebbles-make-big-waves-15-tips.html
Nonprofit Technology Resource: http://www.nonprofittech.com/event/question/
10 Tips for Asking Bloggers to Write About Your Cause: http://havefundogood.blogspot.com/2007/12/10-tips-for-asking-bloggers-to-write.html
Social by Social: Handbook launched!: http://www.socialbrite.org/2009/07/08/social-by-social-handbook-launched/
12for12k raised $14,500 in 12 hours: http://12for12k.org/2009/03/19/thank-you/

We've recently launched a new on-site training geared to non-profits who want to understand basic social media tools, create a simple communications plan and get started. Contact us if you are interested.

How to Use Social Media as a Female Legislator

I have the opportunity to join a panel with Leslie Bradshaw who created this presentation on ways to leverage social media as a female legislator. Men candidates I know, you will find it helpful as well!