Monday, April 26, 2010

Performance Enhancing Drugs in College, but what about K-12?

Performance Enhancing Drugs - 60 Minutes did a piece about whether or not Using Adderall is Like Using Steroids?

Doing better in school through a drug that enables you to focus on your work? They take on the college setting, but how does that translate into the thousands of children who are on different medications in the Kindergarten - 12 grade timeframe with the primary purpose of enhancing focus and concentration.

Consider these questions:
  • Would a child perform better on a standardized test or IQ test and therefore be admitted into a higher level program or gifted/enrichment program with the regular use of these types of medications.
  • Is there an unfair advantage to these medications at this level?
  • How easy is it for a teacher to recommend these medications be used to ensure compliance in the classroom?
  • How does the acceptance of these medications impact the incidence of usage?

If we are going to hold our athletes to a higher standard for performance enhancing drugs, should we not hold ourselves to it as well?

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