Thursday, September 17, 2009

Innovation Is Welcome Here

What are the ingredients that go into creating innovative ideas in a community that drive business creation and make a region a great place to live? Lots to do... arts, culture, a variety of interesting people, banks who will lend, venture capital, great universities... (And, yes, a significant body of water seems to be an important variable...)
Perhaps it is places to go where new ideas are welcomed such as the Youthbridge Wash U/Social Entrepreneur Competition and its series of events.
Tomorrow, I am going with a colleague, Cyndee Blank @cyndeeblank, of Emmis Communications, to see the co-founder of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, at Webster University. Jack @jack grew up in St. Louis, and I want to ask him about how we can create a more innovation-focused region, what he would do to make transformation here, and, at the same time, what are the values and education that he took with him that he got right here in St. Louis?
Every day I meet a new person doing something interesting and innovative right here in St. Louis. This week's example: An IT guy creating a new digital educational software company. It's here, you just have to open your mind and put out your Innovation Is Welcome Here sign. @ahawkcollinger

1 comment:

  1. We need more people with that mindset Allison. There are too many great stories of entrepreneurial spirit right here in St. Louis to go unnoticed. With the hub of talent and resources locally, St. Louis needs to be on the radar of more than just ourselves.
